The Bible is not a “religious book” with many ethical, moral, and philosophical teachings to show us who God is what He wants from man; the Bible is a book that reveals to us what is in God’s heart, and by reading the Bible we find out what is God’s good pleasure. Based on what […]
God Created Man in His Image and even Became a Man to make Man God in Life and Nature
We were Created for the Purpose of Expressing God and Exercising His Dominion

In concluding our crystallization-study of Genesis we need to see what this book is about in its entirety. The book of Genesis begins and ends with image and dominion: in the beginning, we see God creating man in His image and giving him dominion over all things, and at the end we see Jacob who […]
What is the Purpose of God’s Creation of Man in His Image and with a Spirit?

Have you ever wondered, What is God’s purpose in creating man? God is a God of purpose, and nothing He does is accidental or as a reaction to what others do, taking God by surprise. Why did God create man? Some Christians say that God created man because “God wanted to have fellowship with man”, […]
Growing Further in Life to Fulfill God’s Purpose of Expressing and Representing God

God’s purpose is accomplished by life, and in Genesis 1 we see in type the experience of Christ as life and the growth in life for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. God as the Spirit came to brood upon our dead situation, and He spoke something to us, bringing light in our inner being, and […]
God created man in His own image so that man would rule over the whole earth!

God’s purpose is NOT to bring man into heavens – He wants to gain the earth! God created the earth for His purpose, and He created man to express Him on the earth and rule over the earth. In Gen. 1:26-28 we see that man was created in the image of God and according to […]
God desires to have a group of people to express Him and represent Him on earth

Many people love the Psalms because when they read the Psalms, “they speak to their heart”, matching their inward condition and their sentiments in seeking after God. But have you ever wondered what is the center, the reality, and the characteristic of the divine revelation in the book of Psalms? Is it the seeking one’s […]
man has a spirit to contact God and a mind to be continually set on the spirit
Though we may think we are “normal” and “we think as normal people do”, our mind is sick with a terrible disease – we need to have our mind healed, cleansed, purified, and even lifed by setting it on our mingled spirit again and again! We don’t “switch on once and for all” by turning to the Lord in the morning – all throughout the day we continually need to set our mind on our spirit! “Lock your mind on the spirit” (as if you would lock the GPS to the destination) and don’t go to the left or to the right! May our mind be occupied with Christ to the point that we are sick with love for the Lord! [continue reading this portion online]