Blending is seen in the meal offering; today we can eat Christ to live the life of a meal offering and become a corporate meal offering! We need to see a portrait and revelation of the necessity and significance of blending so that we may eat Christ as the meal offering and live a life […]
Blending as Seen in the Meal Offering: Eat Christ to Become a Corporate Meal Offering
Every Local Church should be a Meal Offering to Satisfy God and Supply the Saints

Every local church should be a meal offering to satisfy God and to supply the saints day by day. The meal-offering church life can be seen in the book of 1 Corinthians, where Paul speaks of the many items and aspects involved in the meal offering; even in Corinth, where there were so many […]
Being Blended and Mingled with God for the Church Life as a Corporate Meal Offering

Christ’s life and our individual Christian life issues in a totality, which is the church life as the corporate meal offering; the meal offering is a type of blending to bring us into the reality of the Body of Christ. On one hand, Christ is the meal offering, and the humanity of Christ mingled […]
The Spirit was Outpoured on the Day of Pentecost for the Formation of the Church

On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit, which is actually Christ Himself, was poured out on the members of Christ, His disciples, for the formation of the church. The church was produced in Christ’s resurrection, but it was formed on the day of Pentecost with the outpouring of the Spirit. The Feast of Pentecost […]
Christ with the Church Life is the Meal Offering for our Supply and God’s Satisfaction

As we partake of Christ as the meal offering, we become the reproduction of Christ, the church as a corporate meal offering, and what we eat is not just Christ but Christ with the church life as a meal offering. The goal of eating Christ at the meal offering is not merely us being nourished […]
The Church Life is a Corporate Meal Offering for God’s Satisfaction and Man’s Supply

Christ is the meal offering, and as we eat Him, we become His reproduction and have His God-man living to be the meal offering, and the church life as the corporate living by the perfected God-men becomes the corporate meal offering. Our need today is to eat Christ as the meal offering by exercising our […]
the meal offering church life with no leaven and no honey is for God’s satisfaction
With the Lord Jesus there was no leaven (no sinful or negative thing) and no honey (no natural affection, attachment, or preference). Rather, He lived a life of the highest and finest humanity (fine flour) oiled with the Holy Spirit (mingled with oil), having the fragrance of resurrection (frankincense), and living under the cross every day (being salted). This One is our daily food and our supply, our sustenance, and by eating of Him we become His corporate reproduction! We also live a life of the highest humanity mingled with the Spirit, with the fragrance of resurrection, and being daily under the cross. Also, as we eat this One, we will reject any sinful thing or any good aspect of our natural man. [read more online]