This is part of the Young Adults Truth Series, which started in May 2020, while the coronavirus quarantine is in full swing, and the first session is on, Repentance in Psalm 51 (Truth Series #1). What a mercy from the Lord that we can use this time and the technology available to enjoy the […]
Repenting to the Lord and David’s Experience of Repentance in Psalm 51 – Young Adults Truth Series 1
In the Church Life we’re Headed up by Light and Life to Consummate the New Jerusalem

God’s way of heading us up in the church life is by life and light; He imparts Himself as life into us to bring us out of death, and He shines on us to bring us into His kingdom of light. Light and life operate in us to head us up, bringing us out of […]
Being Headed up in Christ for God to Head up all Things in Christ through the Church

Ultimately, God’s will in the universe is to head up all things in Christ through the church as the Body of Christ; for this, we first need to be delivered from the heap of collapse and headed up in Christ. Our God has a great, eternal will, and this will has to do with what […]
God Predestinated us unto Sonship according to the Good Pleasure of His Will

God predestinated us unto sonship according to the good pleasure of His will; He chose us before the foundation of the world to be holy before Him in love, and He wants to make us sons of God in full, expressing God corporately. Hallelujah for the great will of God, the eternal will of God, […]
We need to Know what is the Will of God: God Works Himself into us for the Church

We need to understand and know what is the will of God, realizing that God’s will is what He wants and what He intends to accomplish, that is, to work Himself into us to gain His corporate expression consummating in the New Jerusalem. This week we come to a new series of morning revival book […]