Last week we have seen who the four living creatures are and how this applies to our Christian experience; this week we want to see the coordination of the four living creatures, which is the key to understanding the vision in Ezekiel 1. Chapter one of Ezekiel is the deepest chapter in the Bibles, and […]
Our Coordination as Living Creatures is not in Ourselves but in God and by His Grace
Having the Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge of the Spirit to Build up the Church

As believers in Christ we are both the materials for God’s building and those who cooperate with the Lord to be co-builders with Him doing the noble work of building up the church with God Himself as our wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and skill. We see this in picture in Exodus, where God gave Moses the […]
God ordained the plurality in eldership – not a single person leading and doing everything but plurality and leadership
This morning I was so much enlightened again regarding God’s ordination of the members in the Body. As believers in Christ, we are all simply “members of the Body” and that’s it – none of us is higher or lower, but rather we are on the same level. Just like in a family though, some […]
the complete gospel of God as revealed in the book of Romans, God’s full salvation
The book of Romans is many times called “The Gospel of God”, since it presents the full gospel according to Paul. Here we see not just the fact that we are sinners in need of God’s redemption, but also that after being regenerated we are much more saved in His life, we are being daily […]