God has a purpose, and for the accomplishment of His purpose He made an economy; in His economy God desires to obtain a group of people who are filled and saturated with God to become His expression and representation on earth. In order for God to accomplish His economy, He Himself came and did many […]
Being willing to Drive out our Natural Life Little by Little by Growing in Christ
The Recovery of the Priesthood for God to have the Freedom to Fulfill His Purpose

This week we are getting deeper into the matter of the recovery of the priesthood for God’s building, and specifically we want to see what is the desire of God’s heart, what is the Lord’s need in His recovery today, what is God’s goal and to what extent this goal has become our goal, and […]
Breaking Away from the World and Plundering it, being Watchful, and Enjoying Christ

The picture of the exodus of the people of Israel in the Old Testament matched with its interpretation and spiritual significance recorded in the New Testament give us a clear view of the significance of the exodus from Egypt. In Exodus 12:29-42 and 51 there are a number of details regarding Israel’s exodus from Egypt, […]
Practical Ways to Cooperate with the Lord to Deal with the Passage of the spirit

There is a way to deal with all the impurities and defilement in our being! On the one hand we have Christ in our spirit, and He wants to flow out in a pure way to minister life to others. On the other hand, there are so many problems, defilement, issues, and impurities in our […]
Understanding the Process of the Experience of Dealing with the Natural Constitution

Whether we are a believer in Christ or not, we are NOT OK. There are so many things in us, in our natural being, that are just wrong. There are so many reactions, explosions, sharp words, strange loves, and all kinds of manifestations of the natural man in our being. After becoming a Christian, many […]
Being Willing to Deal with our Natural Constitution for us to be Useful to God

As believers in Christ, we all love the Lord and we want to serve Him and please Him to the best of our ability. Yet somehow it looks like if “we do our best to do good and please God” and “we try our best to serve Him according to what He tells us” things […]
Six Simple Ways to Cooperate with Christ’s Goings Forth in Our Being

Christ’s goings forth are from eternity (Micah 2:5) and onto the bridge of time (John 1:1, 14), and eventually He will go forth with all His believers into eternity forever (John 1:51). If you look at the history of man, you will see how Christ came out of eternity into time through incarnation, how He […]