Ultimately, God’s will in the universe is to head up all things in Christ through the church as the Body of Christ; for this, we first need to be delivered from the heap of collapse and headed up in Christ. Our God has a great, eternal will, and this will has to do with what […]
Being Headed up in Christ for God to Head up all Things in Christ through the Church
How we can Participate in the Stewardship of God being Conscious of the One New Man

Both those who bear responsibility in the churches and all the saints need to participate in the stewardship of God, for we all need to be faithful stewards in God’s economy being conscious of the one new man. On God’s side, He has an economy, which is to dispense Himself into man; on our side, […]
When the Word of Christ Dwells in us we Experience the Functions of the Word of God

We need to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly, allowing it to have the first place in us so that we may experience the functions of the word of God operating within us and ministering the riches of Christ into our being. In Colossians 3 Paul speaks of the one new man […]
Seeking the Things which are Above to be Joined to Christ in His Heavenly Ministry

As believers in Christ who have Christ as their life and living, we need to be those seeking the things which are above and set our mind on them by joining ourselves to the Lord in His heavenly ministry, His divine enterprise, and live Christ by having a living that is one with Christ’s living […]
Having a Prevailing Move in Life that Corresponds to Christ’s Heavenly Ministry

Both the preaching of the gospel and the building up of the church in the church life today need to be as a prevailing move in life and of life, corresponding to Christ’s heavenly ministry under His headship. In the book of Acts we see how the disciples didn’t initiate anything to preach the gospel […]
Paying more Attention to Life than to Work and Seeing how Paul was a Pattern in Shepherding

The Lord Jesus in His heavenly ministry is the Great Shepherd, the Shepherd of our souls, and in Acts 20 and 1 Thes. 2 we also see that Paul was a pattern of cooperating with Christ’s heavenly ministry to shepherd people for the building up of the Body of Christ. This week in our morning […]
The Spreading of the Lord’s Recovery is Part of our Ultimate Responsibility Today

God has an ultimate move, which is His ultimate recovery, and we have an ultimate responsibility, which is to spread the testimony of Jesus by establishing local churches as golden lampstands; the spreading of the Lord’s recovery is part of our ultimate responsibility. First of all, our ultimate responsibility is to be saturated and permeated […]