God’s intention is for His people to fully enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land and bring in the kingdom of God in the church life; for God to gain a kingdom in which He is expressed and manifested, the Divine Trinity is needed. Samuel was one who cooperated with […]
God’s Purpose is for us to Enjoy Christ and Bring in the Kingdom of God on Earth
Cooperate with God to Enjoy Christ and Consecrate to Him to Bring in His Kingdom

The central thought of 1 and 2 Samuel is that the fulfilment of God’s economy needs man’s cooperation – the principle of incarnation; we need to cooperate with God by making a vow, and He will come in to fulfil it, for to cooperate with God is to be bound together with God and […]
The Triune God is Operating in us in a Normal yet altogether Miraculous way Daily

As believers in Christ, we are under the operation of God, for the Triune God is operating in us both the willing and the working for His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13); we need to see that God’s operating in us is a miraculous normality, for even though He operates, it so normal and quiet, […]
Cooperating with God as we Suffer so that we may be Renewed to become the New Creation

In our Christian life for God’s purpose, we need to pass through the process of renewing, a process that involves suffering; we are destined to suffer so that we may be renewed, to be fully transferred from the realm of the old creation to the realm of the new creation. Amen! On the positive side, […]
Giving God the Cooperation of our Human Will in Total Responsiveness to Him Today

God created man with a free will, and His almighty power is limited by the cooperation of man; we need to come to a place of total responsiveness to God so that He would have a free way to accomplish His will on the earth. It is amazing to realize that God, the omnipotent and […]
Cooperate with the Lord to become the Bride as His Army to Fight against His Enemy

On the day of His wedding, Christ will marry those who have been fighting the battle against God’s enemy for years, and He will be the fighting General coming with His bride as His army to fight the enemy by His speaking and defeat him. The church, the Body of Christ, needs to be the […]
We Preserve our Spirit in Sanctification by Keeping it from Defilement and Exercising it

God is the One who preserves our spirit, soul, and body complete, but we also need to cooperate with Him; for us to cooperate with God to preserve our spirit in sanctification, we must keep our spirit in a living condition by exercising our spirit. 1 Thes. 5:23-24 are two very precious verses who both […]