Through Jeremiah, God promised and prophesied that His people will return from captivity and will rebuild God’s house; when Daniel read this, he prayed for God’s will according to the Scriptures, and God fulfilled his prayer. Hallelujah, our God is a God of recovery and restoration! First He calls us, He redeems us, and He […]
God Prophesied His People will Return from Captivity: we Cooperate by Praying for this
Understanding the Times and being Vitalized to be persons Praying Age-Turning Prayers

The way for us today to become vitalized is to answer the Lord’s call to be an overcomer, for an overcomer is a vital person, a praying person. Also, as today’s overcomers, we need to be men who understand the times so that we may know what to do; we need to grasp the opportunity […]
Having our Desires Blended with God’s Desires to Pray the Prayers Initiated by God

As believers in Christ who love the Lord and pursue to know and experience Christ, we serve God by prayer, and our prayers needs to be according to His heart and will. In 1 John 5:16 we see that, if we see a brother committing a sin not unto death, we should not gossip about […]
In our Spiritual Experience Mount Moriah Becomes Mount Zion, the Reality of the Body

The God of Abraham is our God, and Abraham’s experience of God needs to become our experience of God also. One of the deepest and highest experiences Abraham had of God was at Mount Moriah, where God instructed him to go and bring his son, Isaac, as a burnt offering to Him. God tested Abraham […]
reaching the high peak of living in the reality of the Body of Christ by praying

What will bring the Lord back is a group of overcomers who live in the reality of the Body of Christ – they live a reproduction and a duplication of the life that the Lord Jesus lived when He was on earth. But where is such a living today on the earth? We can safely […]
as the ones built up with the saints in our locality as the church, we are the light of the world
Hallelujah for Matthew 5:14, which says, You are the light of the world. It is impossible for a city situated upon a mountain to be hidden. This morning I was so impressed with the fact that we, as the church, are the city situated upon the mountain, shining! Several things about this “struck” me, as […]
the significance, preciousness, and enjoyment of the birthright in God’s economy – be open to the Lord!
What a Christ-filled week we had in Poland at the 2010 Poland camp! This year the subject of the messages covered was ‘The significance, preciousness and enjoyment of the birthright in God’s economy’. You may ask ‘What is the birthright?’ The birthright is the special portion of the firstborn son. The birthright contains three special […]