In order for us as believers in Christ to live according to the principle of life, we need to follow the inner sense of life; we need to pray ourselves into the sense of life and walk under its guiding and controlling every moment. At best, the people in the world walk by the […]
Follow the Inner Sense of Life to Live in the Spirit and Not in the Natural Life
We need to Live by the Sense of Life and be Victorious over Satan’s Attack of Death

We need to live by the sense of life – the consciousness and feeling of the divine life within us – and be victorious over the attack of death upon the church, building up the Body of Christ in the resurrection life of Christ and rejecting any death. Amen! Today we all have a choice: […]
Having a Direct Contact with the Lord and Exercising our Heart to Grow in Life

What is growth in life? It is simply the increase of God and the decrease of our natural man, the increase of the stature of Christ and less of us, and more ground given to the Holy Spirit to work in us and less of ourselves. Since Christ came into our spirit at the time […]
being a Christian student on the campus: enjoying the Lord and testifying Him!
What does it mean to be a Christian Student on the campus – how do you Love the Lord and at the same time Take Care of Your Studies? – here’s the answer two Christian Students on the campus (one in London and the other in the USA) would give from their own experience.
we need to be dependent on the Lord, leaning on Him and consulting Him (2011 Poland camp)
“In Christ we and God, God and we, are built together, meet together, and dwell together. This is the central though of the book of Exodus.” (from the life-study of Exodus). In the young people’s Poland camp this year the messages were on Exodus and the four crucial aspects: salvation, provision, revelation, and building. The […]