On the positive side, we need to follow Christ as the Star and also follow the living stars He has put in the churches, and on the negative side, we need to beware of wandering stars. When the Lord was born a star rose up in the heavens, and heathen magi from the east saw […]
Staying away from Wandering Stars and Following the Living Stars in the Church Life
contact the Lord whenever you have a spare moment! (sharing from the yp conference in Poland)
Dear saints, in this past winter young people’s conference in Lipowiec, Poland, we got into the subject of the very beginning of the book of Genesis. Gen 1:1 says, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Who was in the beginning? God! In the beginning of everything there is God. The question is […]
We need to contact Christ in our spirit by talking to Him, telling Him what’s on our heart
In order to contact something, we need to use the proper organ. For example, if you want to hear the voice of someone you need to use your ears. Now Christ is the Spirit today, so then we need to use our human spirit to contact Him. The spirit is the deepest part of our […]
God’s intention is to have many sons that are just like His firstborn Son

In the beginning of the ages, when there was no time, God is/was/will be. He simply is – He exists by Himself, through Himself, and no one is needed for Him to just be. Here, Christ was the Only Begotten Son of God, being part of the Divine Trinity. But God’s desire, His intention, was […]