As God’s workmen, we need to cut straight the word of the truth, that is, unfold the word of God in its various parts rightly and straightly without any distortion; there’s a great need for the word of the truth to be rightly unfolder to enlighten the darkened people today. Amen! As we live in […]
God’s Workmen cut Straight the Word of the Truth by Properly Unfolding God’s Economy
Fighting the Good Fight for the Truth: Know, Honor, Uphold, and Speak the Truth

As believers in Christ who have seen something of God’s economy and His interest on the earth, we are fighting the good fight for the truth by honouring God’s truth, taking the way of the truth, upholding the absoluteness of the truth, and not compromising the truth in any way. Amen! This week we have […]
A Good Minister of Christ is Nourished with the Word and Serves Christ to Others

As believers in Christ, we need to be a good minister of Christ Jesus, those who are first being nourished with the words of the faith and of the good teaching in God’s Word and then lay these things before others to minister the riches of Christ to them for their nourishment and supply. […]
Pay the Price to have the Truth Wrought into us and Constituted into our Being

We need to have the truth wrought into our being, constituted into our being, so that we may be able to properly explain the truth in God’s word to bring others not merely a temporary inspiration but the solid truth for them to enjoy and experience Christ. When we speak of the truth, we […]
We need to be Constituted with the Truth by being Trained in the Divine Revelation

In order for us to be priestly teachers like Ezra, we need to be constituted with the truth, that is, have the truth wrought into us to become our organic constitution; we need to be trained in the divine revelation and learn to speak the truth for the perfecting of the saints and the […]
We need Teaching and Reconstitution with God’s Word to have a Culture that Expresses God

In order for us to be the people of God as His testimony on the earth, we need teaching and reconstitution to be brought into a culture according to God; we need to be re-educated and reconstituted with the heavenly truths, the word that comes out of the mouth of God. In the Old […]
We need to be Constituted with and Spread the Highest Truth of God’s Eternal Economy

As believers in Christ whom the Lord has brought in the church life in the Lord’s recovery by His mercy, we need to be constituted with the truth and spread the highest truth of God’s eternal economy by using the life-studies and the Recovery Version with the footnotes. Hallelujah for the ministry of the New […]