Jacob’s prophesying with blessing in Genesis 49 applies both to the twelve tribes of Israel (his twelve sons) and to our Christian experience today in the church. In his blessing of the first three sons we don’t see many positive things – Reuben lost the birthright and didn’t receive the blessing because he indulged in […]
Our Natural Disposition can be Useful to the Lord in a Renewed and Transformed Way
Samuel was a man according to God’s heart, God’s mind was his consideration! (university training)
The central work of God is to work Himself into His chosen and redeemed people. In order for this to happen, He needs our consecration. To consecrate ourselves to the Lord is to consent to God’s working in and on us, to consent to God’s using us, and to consent to God’s directing our ways. […]
college-age conference testimony – consecrating ourselves to the Lord and putting all on the altar
The matter of consecration became so clear to me at the recent college-age conference through the brothers’ speaking and the reading of the Word and the ministry. To consecrate yourself to God is first of all to realise that we are not our own. 1 Cor 6:19 says, You are not your own… For you […]
college-age conference sharing – on our Christian Journey, Lord, make us willing to consecrate ourselves for God’s Building
Our Christian Life is a journey. It begins with our exodus from Egypt and our crossing of the Red Sea. But it doesn’t end there. Rather, our salvation and our baptism were only the beginning of a life long journey with the Lord. So let us not stop or wander forever in the wilderness but […]
Knowing the Central thought of God and Living a life for the fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose

I would like to share my enjoyment from the blending meeting that we attended for the past three days. Our God is a God of purpose. He selected us, He predestinated us, He redeemed us, He saved us and He is transforming us for His purpose. Now His purpose must become our purpose, and we must […]
the Revelation of the Lord Jehovah, the Eternal God – seeing God as the Potter
These days we’re going through a series of messages called “The Crystallization study of the book of Isaiah”, and the subject of the second message is the Revelation of the Lord Jehovah, the Eternal God. Here is a little enjoyment from this message by sister Maria. Among such marvelous revelations of the Lord Jehovah in […]