In order for us to have a surplus of Christ to bring to the meetings of the church for the building up of the church, we need to labor on Christ and gain a harvest of Christ, a rich produce of Christ, by consecrating ourselves to enjoy the Lord and maintaining our fellowship with Him […]
Labor on Christ by Consecrating ourselves to Enjoy Him and Maintaining our Fellowship with Him
The Lord’s Overcomers are Humble, see the All-inclusive Christ, are Consecrated, and have no Idols

For us to be the Lord’s overcomers, we need to humble ourselves, see the all-inclusive Christ, consecrate ourselves to the Lord, and remove any idols by cooperating with God to have Christ as our everything. In God’s selection of Gideon and the three hundred men with him to defeat the Midianites we see the selection […]
Tearing down any idols and being Filled with the Spirit to fulfill God’s economy

We need to tear down any idols in us that replace the Lord, be willing to sacrifice our relationship with others in order to follow the Lord, and seek to be filled with the Spirit, and we will be filled with the Holy Spirit to carry out God’s purpose. As we take a closer look […]
We’re Washed and Anointed by the Spirit for our Consecration for the Priesthood

It is very enlightening to see in Lev. 8 the details of the consecration for the priesthood for Aaron and his sons, and to realise that these details are actually a type of what happens with us as we consecrate to the Lord to be priests. We are a holy nation, a royal priesthood, a […]
We Present our Bodies to the Lord and to the Body to Burn with the Fire from God

In order for us to live the Body life today, we need to present our bodies to the Lord and to the Body to be a living sacrifice; even though we are many, yet our service is of the one Body in Christ for the Lord’s satisfaction (Rom. 12:1). This week we have been enjoying […]
Constantly Offering Ourselves to the Lord as a Living Sacrifice for God’s Satisfaction

Today in our Christian life and church life we should live a life of the continual burnt offering, which means that we need to be a living sacrifice, living a life of consecrating ourselves to the Lord. The fire on the altar of burnt offering had to be kept burning, and it must not go […]
Exercising to Live a Life of the Continual Burnt Offering for God’s Satisfaction

Today in our Christian life and in our church life there’s a need for the continual burnt offering, that is, there’s the need for a continual consecration, a continual offering ourselves to the Lord. The burnt offering is so significant and wonderful: the entire Divine Trinity is involved in the aspects of this offering, and […]