For us to have the recovery of the church as the house of God, we need to have the recovery of the altar, and we need to offer everything on the altar for God’s interests and for His satisfaction. This week we come to the third main crystal in the books of 1 and […]
The Recovery of the Altar: Offering Everything to the Lord for His Satisfaction
We Consecrate Ourselves with all we are and Have to God to Serve Him in the Body

In order for us to serve God, we need to consecrate to Him with our whole being; we need to consecrate all we are and have to God for His service, presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, well-pleasing to God, which is our reasonable service. Amen! It is reasonable for us as believers […]
Having the Upper Room Consecration today to be the Continuation of the Book of Acts

In order for us today to be the increase of Christ in the continuation of the book of Acts we need to have an upper room consecration for the Lord’s move, His recovery. In the book of Acts we see the propagation of the resurrected Christ in His ascension, by the Spirit, through the disciples, […]
Today’s Nazarites Overcome Death and Natural Affection; They Bless Others with God!

Today the Lord needs Nazarites, those who are consecrated to Him for His purpose. All the believers in Christ are His priests, but they have failed Him in accomplishing His purpose. Therefore, God is looking for those who willingly consecrate themselves to Him, separating themselves unto Him and sanctifying themselves for His purpose. These have […]
having a humbled heart and a quieted soul to become Mount Zion for God’s rest

In Psalm 131 we see the praise of a saint in his going up to Zion concerning his humbled heart and his quieted soul before Jehovah. In order for God to dwell in us and be at rest in us, we need to have a quieted soul and a humbled heart. He shepherds us continually […]
willingly offering ourselves to the Lord to water Him in the day of His warfare

Psalm 110:3 says, Your people will offer themselves willingly in the day of Your warfare, in the splendor of their consecration. Your young men will be to You like the dew from the womb of the dawn. In the day of the Lord’s warfare in His heavenly ministry, He needs to be watered and refreshed […]
it is our privilege and the goal of our life to live for the Lord and be the Nazarites today(2011 Poland camp)
In the past Poland Conference for the Young People, I really enjoyed the Wednesday evening message about the ten plagues – it showed us God’s mercy on the Egyptians. Moreover, we saw that Satan as Pharaoh tried to negotiate with Moses – and same it is these days, Satan wants us to make a compromise! […]