In order for us to be mature in the divine sonship and be sons of full age, we need to grow unto maturity until Christ is formed in us; Christ is being formed in us and we are conformed to His image little by little, day by day. Hallelujah! Our need today is to […]
We need to Grow and Mature in the Life of Christ until Christ is Formed in us
Deification: God is making Man the same as Him in Life and Nature, not in the Godhead

If we connect Rom. 1:3-4 and Rom. 8:29 together with 2 Sam. 7:12-14, we will realize that there’s a diamond in the Bible: deification, which implies that God’s intention in His economy is to make Himself man so that we may become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead. Hallelujah! It […]
We’re Designated Sons of God according to the Spirit of Holiness as we Walk in Spirit

The Lord Jesus, who was, is, and always will be the only begotten Son of God in His divinity, became the Son of God in a new way in resurrection, for He was designated the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness. And today we are in the process of […]
As the many Sons of God, we’re being Conformed to the Image of the Firstborn Son of God

Hallelujah, we as the many sons of God are being conformed to the image of the firstborn Son of God, Jesus Christ! The New Testament reveals that Christ as the only begotten Son of God became man, put on human nature, and was begotten by God in His humanity to be the Firstborn Son […]
Every aspect of our Environment is under God’s Sovereign Hand as we Pursue Christ

It is amazing to realize that, as believers in Christ who are pursuing Christ today, every aspect of our environment is absolutely under God’s sovereign hand. Wow! This week in our crystallization study of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel we come to week 6, entitled, Spiritual Principles, Life Lessons, and Holy Warning […]
We’re Designated the Sons of God by Growing in Life and being Metabolically Transformed

Praise the Lord, we believers in Christ are being designated the sons of God by growing in life and by being metabolically transformed into the image of Christ! It is so amazing to realize that we, believers in Christ, are in the metabolic process of transformation to be designated the sons of God; this metabolic […]
Living in the Mingled Spirit to have a Corporate and Mingling Living for the Reality of the Body

We need to be those living in the mingled spirit to have a corporate and mingling living for the reality of the Body of Christ. What God desires is that the reality in Jesus – the God-man living of Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels – would be duplicated in the many members of […]