Dear saints, let us pray that the trainees would see and enter into the goal of the training, which is also to reach the reality of the Body of Christ by living a life conformed to Christ’s death in the power of His resurrection (Phil. 3:10; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:4a; John 11:25a; Eph. 3:16 and note […]
Let’s pray for the trainees to see and enter into the goal of the training (3)
Let us pray for the trainees to see and enter into the goal of the training (2)

Dear saints, let us pray that the trainees would see and enter into the goal of the training, which is also to reach the high peak of today’s Zion—the overcomers—in today’s Jerusalem—the church (Psa. 48:2; Rev. 14:1; Heb. 12:22; Rev. 2:7; 12:11; Gal. 5:16a). Zion was the city of King David (2 Sam. 5:7), the […]
We should Live a God-man Life to Live the Glory of Divinity and the Virtues of Humanity

What an amazing fact it is that the One who lived the life of a God-man is now the Spirit living in us and through us, and we simply need to open to Him, love Him, be joined to Him as one, and He will fill us, possess us, and live out in us the […]
Cooperate with the Putting to Death of Jesus and the Operation of the Indwelling Spirit

As believers in Christ, we need to cooperate with the putting to death of Jesus in our environment and with the operating indwelling Spirit so that our outer man may be put aside and the inner man would be renewed for the life of Jesus to be manifested in our mortal body. When we believed […]
The Reality of the Body is the Corporate Living of the Overcomers by God’s Life to Express God

The Lord urgently needs the overcomers who have a corporate God-man living to be the reality of the Body of Christ expressed in the local churches; such ones live a crucified life by the resurrection life of Christ, and they express Christ for the building up of the Body. God needs a small number of […]
Being Conformed to Christ’s Death to experience Christ for the Release of God’s Life

On one hand, Paul wanted to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings; on the other hand, he wanted to be conformed to Christ’s death, that is, take Christ’s death as the mold of his life. On the Lord’s side, He first experienced death and then entered into […]
Living a Crucified Life by the Power of Resurrection for the Reality of the Body

Even as Christ lived in this world, so should we; as Christ lived a crucified life daily, so we need to be those living a crucified life by taking Christ’s death as the mold of our life so that we may live out the reality of the Body of Christ. Becoming a Christian is one […]