As we live in the midst of intermixed and complicated situations, we live by faith in God and deny the self to live in spirit to express the riches of life abundantly. The two hundred pomegranates surrounding the capitals at the top of the pillars in the temple signify the expression of the riches of […]
Live in Spirit by Faith in our Complicated Situations to Express the Riches of Life
Live a Life by Faith Trusting in God to Express Him in Intermixed and Complicated Situations

The nets of checker work with wreaths of chain work signify the complicated and intermixed situations in which those who are pillars in God’s building live and bear responsibility, as they live by faith in God. Amen! The Bible truly is an amazing book, and when we read a book like Ruth we need to […]
Living a Simple Life of Faith in God – Not I but Christ – for God’s Building in Life

The Bible clearly says that Christ died for us and bore God’s judgement for us, and by believing into Him we are saved, having the eternal redemption applied to us to be brought back to God and receive His divine life. However, as believers in Christ we need to realize that in our flesh we […]
living a life of trusting in God in the midst of our complicated situations

This morning we were enjoying the reach meaning of a simple and sweet word, Lily. In Hosea 14:5 the Lord said, He will bud like the lily… Israel will bud like a lily, one who lives a life fully trusting in God. If we look throughout the Bible for the mentioning of this word, LILY, […]