Christ in His ascension is a divine High Priest who is able to save us to the uttermost if we come forward to God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for us (Heb. 7:25). Let us therefore come forward with boldness to the throne of grace so that we may receive mercy and […]
Let us Come Forward to God through Christ to be Saved from any By-Products of Death
Whenever we Enthrone God in our Being, we Enjoy the Flow of Water of Life Within us!

As believers in Christ we have the throne of God set up in the center of our being, and whenever we enthrone the Lord and take Him as the Head, there’s a river of water of life flowing within us. In our daily life with all the day-to-day activities and things, we need to enthrone […]
Receiving and Enjoying Grace by Exercising our Spirit and Enthroning the Lord

In our daily Christian life we need to know a practical and simple way to receive and enjoy grace. When we are at work, at home, on the bus, driving the car, or doing this and that, what is the practical way to daily receive and enjoy grace? The Bible shows us that grace is […]
Seeing the True Situation of the Age We Live in and Finding Grace in the Eyes of God

Even though the Lord gained Abel to worship Him in His way, Enosh to call on the name of the Lord, and Enoch to walk with God, mankind continued to fall and be corrupted until in Gen. 6:7 we see that God decided to blot out the man whom He has created. It looked as […]
Christ opened a new and living way into God and He is the Author & Perfecter of our faith!
The Epistle to the Hebrews is so rich – there are so many aspects of the all-inclusive Christ revealed in this book! He is the One sent by God coming to “do God’s will” (Heb. 10:9) – He came to put away the animal sacrifices of the old covenant and to establish Himself, in His […]
come forward with boldness to the throne of grace and daily enthrone the Lord in your being!
This morning I was impressed with the fact that when we come to the Lord in our spirit, we need to enthrone Him and make Him the Lord in our life! Whenever we approach the throne of grace by turning to our spirit and calling on the name of the Lord, we should at the […]