God is about to do the greatest move in the history of the universe, and for this, He needs a dispensational instrument; we need to be those who have a dispensational value before God to end this age and bring in the age of the kingdom. This week is our last week in the current […]
We need to have Dispensational Value to God to End this Age and bring in the Kingdom
We enter the Holy of Holies by the Blood of Jesus to touch the Throne of Grace in Spirit

The expiation cover on the Ark in the Holy of Holies equals the throne of grace in Heb. 4:16; as believers in Christ, we have boldness in the blood of Jesus to enter the Holy of Holies and touch the throne of grace in our spirit. This is the key: touching our spirit, the mingled […]
We Experience Christ as the Propitiation Place through Faith in His Precious Blood

The way for us today to experience Christ as the propitiation place is through faith in His blood; He has made propitiation for our sins, and we simply need to exercise our spirit and come forward to the throne of grace in our spirit, applying the blood of Jesus Christ. For us to come forward […]
Christ Obtained an Eternal Redemption and Opened the Way into the Holy of Holies

Christ entered into the heavenly Holy of Holies and obtained an eternal redemption, and He initiated a new and living way for us to come forward to God in the Holy of Holies. Hallelujah for our wonderful, all-inclusive Christ typified in Leviticus and revealed in Hebrews to be our eternal portion (Heb. 13:8)! This week […]
Coming to the Throne of Grace in our Spirit to enjoy Christ as our great High Priest

How thankful we are to God that we have such a great High Priest, Jesus Christ, who is now in ascension in the heavenlies and also in our spirit! Having therefore a great High Priest – Jesus Christ, the Son of God – who has passed through the heavens, let us hold fast the confession […]
The Blood of the Covenant Brings us into God’s Presence to Receive His Speaking

We need to open to the Lord and ask Him for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him (Eph. 1:17), and we need to be unveiled to see what is the meaning and importance of the blood of the covenant. We may treasure the blood of Christ for our redemption, […]
As Priests we Come Forward to the Throne of Grace to Receive Mercy and Find Grace

The Lord’s heart’s desire is not only to save us from the world, from sin, and from the self; He wants all His people to be a kingdom of priests, kings and priests to God. As God’s spiritual people today we are His personal treasure, His peculiar possession, so that we may be a kingdom […]