In our review and enjoyment of the intrinsic significance of the materials of the temple, we have seen that both in the tabernacle and in the temple gold overlays wood, that is, God is mingled with man. The building of God, God’s temple, is a matter of God being mingled with man; God’s building is […]
Judging Ourselves as Nothing: we are what we are by the Grace of God for God’s Building
Coming to Christ to Find Rest for Our Soul and Taking His Yoke Upon Us

The Lord’s call in Matt. 11:28-30 resounds throughout the ages, Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy […]
I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly! (sharing from the college age conference)
Praise the Lord! What a wonderful conference! I really enjoyed going through the whole Gospel of John. Even though I knew all these stories from before – since I was a girl my parents were reading them for me – I never saw things that clearly as in the last weekend. It is so wonderful […]
some enjoyment from my first term of training in the FTTL(the Full Time Training in London)
Thank You Lord for Your mercy – I have completed the first term of the full-time training in London. It is really the Lord’s sovereignty that I could give myself to Him to be trained together with those who love Him in this wonderful environment. I have to say that my first term has been […]
Christ is the stone, He is our salvation, and we who come to Him are made living stones!
Isaiah 28:16 says Therefore thus says the Lord Jehovah: Indeed I lay a stone in Zion as a foundation, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone as a foundation firmly established; He who believes will not hasten away. and in 1 Pet 2:6, 7 we read For it is contained in scripture “Behold, I lay in […]
our knowing the truth and growing in life is for the increase and spread of Christ

As believers in Christ, we all desire to know the truth (to know the Bible, understand the spiritual things, and even have a way to explain these things to others) and to grow in life (to become more mature in the divine life by Christ daily growing in us) – but both of these things […]