As lovers of Christ, we are advancing with Him in the divine romance until we pray for our Beloved to come and set up His sweet and beautiful kingdom to fill the whole earth, for when He comes faith will be turned to facts, we will love Him in shadowless perfection, and we will serve […]
We Pray for our Beloved to Come and Set up His Kingdom on the Earth: Come, Lord Jesus!
We need to be Watchful and Ready for the Lord’s Coming, crying, Come, Lord Jesus!

We need to prepare ourselves for the Lord’s coming by being watchful and ready, not loving the present age but loving the Lord’s appearing, not storing up treasures for ourselves but being rich toward God, taking the Lord’s coming as a warning and encouragement, and crying out, come, Lord Jesus! Amen! May we be […]
Those who Love the Lord, Wait for His Coming, and Love His Appearing will Overcome

Those who love the Lord, wait for His coming, and love His appearing will overcome; we want to be such ones, the overcomers who today love the Lord, eagerly wait for His return, and love His appearing, even live in His appearing moment-by-moment. Amen, Lord, make us such ones! The situation today among the […]
We love the Lord, Earnestly Wait for His Coming, and we pray, Come, Lord Jesus!

As believers in Christ who pursue the Lord and love Him with the first love, we should love His appearing and earnestly await for the Lord’s coming; our very living should indicate that we have no other hope on earth. As believers in Christ, genuine Christians, are a special group of people; we are […]
Be Encouraged and Warned by the Lord’s Second Coming and Love the Lord’s Appearing

If the Lord’s second coming is precious to us, we will love the Lord’s appearing; as believers in Christ, we need to live in the Lord’s appearing and have His appearing as a warning to us to regulate our living, for at His coming He will judge the living and the dead. Amen! This […]
Leaning on our Beloved, we are Hoping to be Raptured and pray, Come, Lord Jesus!

As we advance in our loving relationship with the Lord, we are hoping to be raptured, leaning on our Beloved, realizing that we depend on the Lord and we depend on His word; we ask our Beloved to make haste to come and set up His sweet and beautiful kingdom which will fill the […]
Actively Waiting for the Lord’s Coming as the Prophetic Word is Made More Firm

As we study the vision of the seventy weeks in Daniel 9 in relation to God’s economy, we will experience the shining of the prophetic word as a lamp conveying spiritual light in darkness (2 Pet. 1:19). Under the shining of the prophetic word, we can receive the Lord’s warning and have the proper attitude […]