Whenever we believers in Christ read the Bible, it needs to be living, energizing, and sharp to divide our spirit from our soul and discern our thoughts and intentions; we need to be saved from staggering in the wandering of our soul and press on into our spirit to enjoy the heavenly Christ to whom […]
Press on into our spirit: the Living and Operative Word Divides our Soul from Spirit
Receive the Abundance of Grace for Grace to Reign in us for us to Reign in Life

As believers in Christ, we need to be those who receive the Lord as our grace upon grace, receive the abundance of grace, by coming to the throne of grace in our spirit, so that we may enjoy Him and so that grace may reign in us for us to reign in life. Amen! […]
Christ Obtained an Eternal Redemption and Opened the Way into the Holy of Holies

Christ entered into the heavenly Holy of Holies and obtained an eternal redemption, and He initiated a new and living way for us to come forward to God in the Holy of Holies. Hallelujah for our wonderful, all-inclusive Christ typified in Leviticus and revealed in Hebrews to be our eternal portion (Heb. 13:8)! This week […]
As Priests we Come Forward to the Throne of Grace to Receive Mercy and Find Grace

The Lord’s heart’s desire is not only to save us from the world, from sin, and from the self; He wants all His people to be a kingdom of priests, kings and priests to God. As God’s spiritual people today we are His personal treasure, His peculiar possession, so that we may be a kingdom […]
Ministering as a Priest by Coming to the Throne of Grace to Receive Mercy and Find Grace

How can we minister as a priest of God today? The way is clearly shown in Heb. 4:16 and Rev. 22:1 – we need to come forward to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace for timely help! In Revelation we see that out of the throne of God and of the […]
the Christian living is the living and the experience of grace in the church life

Psalm 133 is a very good picture of the church life today, and a picture is more than 1000 words. Here we see “how good” and “how pleasant” for brothers to dwell in oneness, and this oneness is “like the oil” and “like the dew”. The compound ointment with which the priest was anointed typifies […]
we can come forward with boldness to God as the tree of life through the blood of Jesus Christ
Even though man fell and became corrupted to the core, God as life still found a way to bring man back to Himself. Through the redemption of Christ on the cross, God opened a new and living way for man to come back to God. Christ’s redemption satisfied all the requirements of God’s righteousness, holiness, and glory – now the way is open for man to come forward to God! We can now come forward with boldness to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace for timely help (Heb. 10:20). [continue reading online]