This year was my first time attending the Poland Young People’s Conference, and it was the best conference that I have been to so far. If I’m being honest, before going I was very unsure if I wanted to go or not as there were not a lot of people from my locality going, but […]
God’s Operation Needs Man’s Cooperation (sharing from 2024 EYPC)
Come Forward to God in Spirit and be one with Him to have Dispensational Value to God

What God desires today is to end this age and bring in the age of the kingdom; for Him to accomplish this, He must have His dispensational instrument, and we all should have dispensational value to God, doing what the special work required to end this age in oneness with the Lord. Amen! This […]
Being the Lord’s Overcomers in this Age by Finding Grace in the Sight of God Daily

May we be the Lord’s overcomers in this age by finding grace in the sight of God daily and even moment by moment. No matter how low man fell, there were always some who found grace in the eyes of the Lord to be His overcomers; though the flesh as the presence of Satan […]
We need to have Dispensational Value to God to End this Age and bring in the Kingdom

God is about to do the greatest move in the history of the universe, and for this, He needs a dispensational instrument; we need to be those who have a dispensational value before God to end this age and bring in the age of the kingdom. This week is our last week in the current […]
We live in the Age of Faith; Faith is Christ Infused into us to be our Believing Ability

The age of mystery in which we live today is the age of faith, for faith is the unique requirement God has from us – he who comes forward to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6). We will not need faith […]
We enter the Holy of Holies by the Blood of Jesus to touch the Throne of Grace in Spirit

The expiation cover on the Ark in the Holy of Holies equals the throne of grace in Heb. 4:16; as believers in Christ, we have boldness in the blood of Jesus to enter the Holy of Holies and touch the throne of grace in our spirit. This is the key: touching our spirit, the mingled […]
God Meets us, Speaks to us, and Infuses us on the Propitiating Christ in the Glory

The fact that God met with His people and spoke to them from above the expiation cover and between the cherubim signifies that God meets with us and speaks to us in the propitiating Christ and in the glory expressed by Him as His testimony. This is very significant, for we cannot just meet God […]