As those who have been regenerated and made ambassadors of God, we need to be one with Christ to be “the acting God” in expressing Him and representing Him, and we should not misrepresent God in front of His people. An ambassador is one who represents a higher authority and expresses the feeling and thoughts […]
We must be one with Christ as His Ambassadors to be the Acting God Representing Him
We are Channels of Life and Priests to God to Overflow God to Others as Blessing

The principle of blessing is that the greater blesses the lesser; the meaning of blessing is that blessing is the overflow of God through someone’s maturity in life. When God obtains a person who is mature in life, a person who is not only transformed but also mature, He has a way to flow through […]
degradation comes in when we lose our first love for the Lord, when we have an idol
When we were saved, when we believed into the Lord for the first time, we had eyes for the Lord Jesus only, and we didn’t see anything or anyone else but Him. Actually, when we were saved we entered into a love relationship with the Lord, into a life-union with Him, where we love Him […]
testimony from being in the training – give yourself to love the Lord and be in the Body!
What is the Full Time Training? In the words on the FTTL website, “Every Christian needs training. Without training, we will not experience and enjoy Christ’s riches in full. We also need training to function and serve the Lord profitably. The Full-Time Training in London provides a special opportunity to be trained to enjoy Christ, […]