The centurion in Matt. 8 saw that the Lord was One who had authority because the Lord was a man under authority. The authority of the Lord Jesus was by Him being under God’s authority and was exercised through His word, and when we hear HIs words, we’re infused with faith and come under His […]
The Lord Jesus was a Man Under Authority: He had Authority and Spoke with Authority
Having a Clear Sky with the Throne Above it to bring Others under God’s Authority

Part of our divine commission is for us to turn others from the authority of Satan to God (Acts 26:18); for this, we need first to have a clear sky with the throne of God above it. We need to read and pray, pray and read much over this verse in the Bible, for in […]
Christ Satisfied God’s Requirements: now He’s our Righteousness, Holiness, and Glory

As we prayerfully consider the spiritual significance and application of the rainbow, we need to realize that the three basic colors composing it refer to God’s righteousness, holiness, and glory, which once excluded the sinful man from God’s presence but are now becoming our reality in Christ. As seen in Ezekiel chapter 1 – the […]
The Experience of the Christian life and of the Church Life Consummates in a Rainbow

The experience of the Christian life and of the church life consummates in a rainbow, and this is seen in type in Ezekiel 1 which starts with open heavens, continues with the experience of the wind, cloud, fire, and electrum, and consummates with the rainbow around the throne on which a Man sits. This matter […]
The Authority in the Church is the Throne above the Clear Sky, God’s Ruling Presence

According to the Lord’s word in Matt 20 and 28 and based on Ezekiel 1, the only authority in the church is the throne above the clear sky, and when we are in subjection to God’s authority, we represent God, we have God’s ruling presence, and the throne in the heavens is transmitted to the earth […]
The Highest Point in our Spiritual Experience is having a Clear Sky with the Throne Above it

According to our experience and in light of Ezekiel chapter one, the highest point in our spiritual experience is having a clear sky with the throne above it. We need to have the spiritual experiences depicted in Ezekiel 1, from the open heavens with God’s direct speaking to having a clear and expanding sky with […]
Seeing a Vision of the Throne of God for His Administration throughout the Universe

As believers in Christ, we are living creatures who are learning to maintain a clear sky between us and the Lord, and above this clear sky there’s a throne – we need to see a vision of the throne of God for the divine administration throughout the universe. As we are learning to coordinate with […]