We are being washed by the water in the word of God so that Christ as the life-giving Spirit would dispositionally sanctify us and make us His glorious, spotless, blameless bride. Amen! The holding line in the carrying out of God’s eternal economy in relation to man is the divine sanctification. God is holy; He […]
Being Dispositionally Sanctified by the Washing of the Water in the Word of God
We need to be Cleansed from Sin and Thoroughly Deal with the Self to Live in the Body

In order for us as believers in Christ to enter into the oneness in the divine glory, the corporate expression of God, we must thoroughly deal with the self, dealing with the sin that issues from within man’s self, which is the enemy of the Body of Christ. On the positive side, we need […]
Allow the Holy Spirit to Apply the Efficacy of Christ’s Redemption to us to Cleanse us

Whenever we, the people of God, become unclean and impure because of our contact with death, we need to experience the water of impurity, that is, we need to apply the efficacy of Christ’s redemption by the sprinkling of the Holy Spirit as the living water. We may think we are OK, but in our […]
Christ Made Propitiation, and He’s the Propitiatory Sacrifice and the Propitiation Place

Christ is the One who makes propitiation to God for us, He is the propitiatory sacrifice, and He is also the propitiation place where God can meet with His people. God created man in His image and according to His likeness, but man fell, and God’s image and dominion were lost. Because of sin, there […]
The Lord’s Redemption Cleanses us and brings us to Experience Christ in Resurrection

It is quite astounding to see the Lord’s redemption and the saving power in His resurrection in the type of the cleansing of the leper in Lev. 14. Because Satan rebelled against God, there is another party in this universe besides God who sins and is full of rebellion. Because of the fall of man, […]
The Lord’s Perfect Redemption causes us to be Cleansed and to Experience Christ

How we thank the Lord for His wonderful and perfect redemption! The Lord Jesus was willing to become lowly in His “becoming in the likeness of men” so that He might be near to man and become man’s Savior, and He did the will of God, shed His blood for our redemption, thereby being glorified […]
The Fourfold Effectiveness of the Precious Blood of Christ as the Sin Offering

Hallelujah for the blood of Christ as the sin offering, which satisfies God, is our standing in prayer, brings us into God’s presence, is effective for our redemption, and constantly flows to cleanse us from every sin! Praise the Lord for the precious blood of Christ as the sin offering which is eternally effective! If […]