As the Shepherd of our Souls, the Lord Jesus gives Rest to our Soul: come to Him!

As the Shepherd of our souls, the Lord Jesus gives rest to our soul; we need rest from all our toils, struggles, striving, burdens, and labor, for our soul is not at rest in this world, so we come to the Lord as our Shepherd to enjoy Him as our rest. Amen! Thank the Lord […]

the five stages of the pneumatic Christ’s shepherding (sharing from the Crystallization Study of Psalms)

We recently went through the video training on the Crystallization Study of the Psalms, and one of the topics I enjoyed the most so far is message 6 – The Organic Shepherding of the Pneumatic Christ as revealed in Psalm 23. Perhaps Psalms 23 is one of the most popular chapters in the whole Bible. […]