Psalms 16 is a short psalm but reveals so much about the Lord Jesus in His human living, His death, His resurrection, and His ascension – even without mentioning these words. This One, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the Beloved of the Father, the Firstborn Son of God, the One who fulfills God’s heart’s desire […]
appreciating the Lord Jesus in His wonderful death and resurrection as seen in Psalms 16:9-11
Christ is extending His days in His believers – enjoy His resurrection life today!

At the Lord’s table on the Lord’s day we sang one of my favourite Hymns which seems to get richer and richer – Hymn #203, which is a Praise of the Lord for His Increase (listen to it online, or read the lyrics online). 1. In the bosom of the Father, Ere the ages had begun, Thou […]
three main things that took place in Christ’s resurrection: begetting, transfiguration, and regeneration!

This week we’re getting into The Resurrection of Christ and the Believers’ Experience of Christ in His Resurrection Life, and I have been very impressed with what is the intrinsic significance of the resurrection of Christ. Christ didn’t just “resurrect”, He was not just resuscitated / brought back to life – there are some amazing […]
God set forth Christ as a propitiation place, here we meet with God in peace
This week we’re enjoying Christ as the propitiation place – one of the many truths in the Bible that has not been yet fully discovered & enjoyed by the Lord’s people. In Romans 3:24-25 it says: Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as […]