How we thank and praise the Lord that, as the high and dignified Christ with a resurrected, ascended, glorified, and honored humanity, He was willing to be lowly, becoming in the likeness of men, so that He may be near man and deal with sin and impurity! Hallelujah! This week we are prayerfully considering Num. […]
The High and Dignified Christ became Lowly as a Man and Terminated the Sins of All Creation
God’s Building is Covered by Christ in His Humanity and Redemption for our Protection

The foundation and base of the church is the redemption of Christ (as typified by the sockets of silver in which the boards of the tabernacle were standing), the materials for the building up of the church is the humanity of Jesus (typified by the acacia wood) and the divine nature with the divine life […]
Experiencing the Redemption of Christ and the Manifestation of the Divine Nature

This week in our crystallization-study of Exodus we come to the eightfold significance of the tabernacle, and today in particular we want to see and experience the redemption of Christ as our base and standing, and we want to see and experience the manifestation of the divine nature in the church life. The book of […]
Christ Offered Himself through the Eternal Spirit: His Redemption is Eternally Effective

The altar of burnt offering is a wonderful and mysterious type of Christ in His redemption, the redemptive work of Christ on the cross. This altar is not simple, nor is it shallow; it is full of deep significance with many details, and it is seen in reality in what the Lord accomplished on the […]
God Intends for us to Remember Christ’s Redemption in a Specific and Detailed Way

This week in our morning revival we are enjoying the matter of the Passover as seen in the book of Exodus. Most believers know that Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29), and their understanding and appreciation of the Passover is limited to this aspect. However, […]
Based on God’s Redemption, the Excluding Flame has Become the Indwelling Spirit!

When God created man He had a specific purpose in mind: He wanted man to be in His image and according to His likeness to express Him and represent Him on earth by taking God in as his life and living by Him. After creating man, God put him in front of the tree of […]
we can come forward with boldness to God as the tree of life through the blood of Jesus Christ
Even though man fell and became corrupted to the core, God as life still found a way to bring man back to Himself. Through the redemption of Christ on the cross, God opened a new and living way for man to come back to God. Christ’s redemption satisfied all the requirements of God’s righteousness, holiness, and glory – now the way is open for man to come forward to God! We can now come forward with boldness to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace for timely help (Heb. 10:20). [continue reading online]