As believers in Christ, we are sealed by the Spirit, we have Christ as our righteousness, and we’re being made submissive to God so that He can make us part of His increase in humanity. Joseph is a type of Christ; as a fruitful bow, Joseph typifies Christ as the branch for the branching out […]
Sealed by the Spirit, having Christ as our Righteousness, and being Submissive to God
We can be Submissive because Christ’s Life of Submission and Obedience is in us

When we are filled with Christ, we are filled with submission, for He has given us His life of submission and obedience; for us to be submissive, we need the supply of life, the enjoyment of grace, the working of the cross, and the denial of the self. We all need to take grace and […]
Christ gave us His life of Submission; we Learn from Him and God Operates in us

As believers in Christ, we need to come to the Lord with all our toils and burdens and He will give us rest, and we need to take His yoke upon us, being submissive to do the Father’s will even as He did, for Christ’s life of submission is ours. God desires to bring us […]
Christ is the Representation of Submission to Authority; His Life of Submission is in us

Christ, the Son of God, willingly emptied Himself to become a created man; He learned obedience through the things which He suffered, and He became the representation of submission to authority (Phil. 2:6-8). Our pattern in our Christian life is not merely a man but a God-man, our God-man Savior who emptied Himself and humbled […]