Christ as the Word of God speaks for God; He became flesh to make God contactable, touchable, receivable, and enjoyable, and He has become the Spirit for us to receive Him and enjoy Him! Hallelujah, what a Christ we have! The Gospel of John is an amazing Gospel, speaking not of an objective Christ or […]
Christ as the Word of God Speaks for God; now God is Contactable, Receivable, and Enjoyable
The History of God in Man continues today in us: We’re Part of Christ’s Goings Forth

It is amazing to realize that the history of God in man continues today with us, for we are part of Christ’s goings forth from eternity into time! Our God is a living and moving God; He moved with men and among men in the Old Testament (this was His indirect move), and He moves […]
The All-inclusive, Extensive Christ is the Mystery of God and the History of God

Christ is the mystery of God – He is the history of God; the all-inclusive, extensive Christ is the mystery of God, and we need to know and enjoy such a Christ in our experience. This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ as […]
Christ’s Incarnation and God-man Living Fulfilled God’s Intention in Creating Man

Christ’s incarnation and God-man living fulfilled God’s intention in creating man. God’s intention in His creation of man was fulfilled in Christ’s incarnation and His God-man living, for Christ expressed God in His rich attributes through His aromatic human virtues. Christ’s incarnation was for the fulfillment of God’s intention, and His human living also was […]
The Embodied Triune God has been Expanded to become Entrable: we can Enter into God!

In Numbers 1 we see a picture of the incarnation of the Triune God in the tabernacle with the Ark; the embodied Triune God has been enlarged to become entrable, and we as His people can enter into God, be mingled with God, and enjoy God. Apparently, the book of Numbers is a record of […]
God’s Image and Dominion are Fulfilled in Christ and are the Issue of the Gospel

Genesis is a book of seeds, and throughout this book there are many seeds that are sown and later developed in the rest of the Bible, consummating in the book of Revelation where we see the harvest. The matters of image and dominion, the heart of Genesis, are sown as seeds in Genesis and then […]
God’s accomplishments on the bridge of time from creation to the building
![God's accomplishments on the bridge of time from creation to the building [in the picture: the serene Greenwich]](
John chapter 1 is an amazing chapter, speaking of at least five major things that God accomplished as He stepped out of eternity and onto the bridge of time. First of all, in the beginning, when there was no time, there was the Word with God and as God. You can’t explain how He was, […]