It is amazing to realize that God uses Satan as an ugly tool to cause our whole being to be fully open to God so that He may fill us and replace anything else with Himself. Our wise and almighty God has judged and condemned Satan already, but He allows him to remain free to […]
God uses Satan as an Ugly Tool to cause our Being to be Fully Open to be Filled with God
Abiding in, Experiencing, and Living in the Inward Parts of Christ for the Body

The apostle Paul was a pattern of one who lived Christ in His inward parts, remaining in the inward parts of Christ and allowing Christ to remodel, reconstitute, and remake his inner being with Himself. Initially Paul was one who persecuted the church of God, the members of the Body of Christ, and the Bible […]
Our Priority is not to Work for God but for God to Work Himself into us and Live in us

God’s main goal is not for man to work for Him but for God to gain our so that He may work Himself into us; in and for the church life what we are is more important than what we do. The central work of God, the unique work that God does in this universe, […]
in nothing I will be put to shame, but in all things Christ will be magnified in my body!
This is what Paul says in Philippians 1:20, According to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I will be put to shame, but with all boldness, as always, even now Christ will be magnified in my body, whether through life or through death. This morning we were also enjoying two verses in Isaiah […]