The matter of the sin offering is very important to our Christian life and experience, for as the reality of the sin offering, Christ was made sin on our behalf. In carrying out His purpose, God gives us only one person and only one way. The unique person in God’s purpose is Christ, for Christ […]
As the Reality of the Sin Offering, Christ was Made Sin on our Behalf on the Cross
Christ was made Sin for us so that Sin might be Condemned and we have Eternal Life

Because of the fall of man, we are sinners, we have an indwelling sin, and we simply sin all the time, but Hallelujah, Christ was made sin for us in order that through His death on the cross sin might be condemned. We all need to realise that we are not merely flawed people who […]
God’s Building is Covered by Christ in His Humanity and Redemption for our Protection

The foundation and base of the church is the redemption of Christ (as typified by the sockets of silver in which the boards of the tabernacle were standing), the materials for the building up of the church is the humanity of Jesus (typified by the acacia wood) and the divine nature with the divine life […]
The Screen and the Veil are Related to the Two Aspects of Reconciliation in 2 Cor. 5

This week we have been enjoying the spiritual significance of the two veils in the tabernacle (called the screen and the veil) and how they are related to the two aspects of reconciliation Paul speaks of in 2 Cor. 5. Both the screen (covering the entrance to the Holy Place) and the veil (covering the entrance […]