Christ Himself bore up our sins in His body on the tree; He also took our curse and even became a curse on our behalf, being absolutely abandoned our God, and accomplished a wonderful redemption. How we thank and praise the Lord for His redemption accomplished on the cross! If we read the Bible carefully, […]
Christ bore up our Sins in His body and became a Curse on our Behalf on the Cross
Christ was Judged and Tried in His Living; we take Him as our Covering before the Enemy

Christ is the One who was judged and tried in His living and walk, and He is our covering; His feet are like polished bronze, and we can take Him as our bronze helmet to cover us before the enemy. Praise the Lord for our Christ, the One who is all-inclusive to be our good […]
Christ as the Lamb of God Took away our Sin and Opened the Way for us to Enjoy God!

Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29) – Christ as the Lamb of God came to take away our sins and our sin, and He opened the way for us to enter into God and enjoy God! Hallelujah! This week we want to enter into a deeper […]
Christ Died on our Behalf to Fulfill God’s Righteousness: now God Must Forgive us!

The gospel is the gospel of glory, the gospel of the kingdom, and the gospel of grace; this gospel has a structure that causes us to know that the gospel is solid and firm. The structure of the gospel of God is clearly stated by Paul in Rom. 1:17, The righteous shall have life and […]
The Judging and Renewing Spirit Washes away all Negative things for God’s Building

In working to build up the church we need to take heed what materials we use; if we use wood, grass, stubble (works coming out of our natural man, our flesh, or our self) we will mar the temple of God and not build it, and this is not pleasing to God (we may even […]
Eating Christ as the Lamb of God who was Roasted by the Fire of God’s Judgement

Christ is our Passover: He is the Lamb of God taking away the sin of the world and becoming our life supply for us to fulfill God’s purpose. The Passover is a type of Christ; Christ is not only the Passover lamb but also every aspect of the Passover. Christ died on the cross as […]
Christ died a vicarious death on the cross, He died on our behalf; He is our Redeemer!
Praise the Lord for Christ’s all-inclusive death on the cross! Usually when someone dies, nobody talks about it and no one wants to remember it, since death is such a terrible thing… But with the Lord Jesus, His death was an all-inclusive accomplishment, and we believers treasure it and love it! To us His death […]