We believers in Christ are to live the same way that Christ lived, for we need to become a reproduction of Christ; this can take place only by experiencing Christ as the One living in us, being formed in us, and making His home in our hearts. Amen! Praise the Lord that we have been […]
Christ is Formed in us & is Making His Home in our Heart to make us His Reproduction
When Christ makes His Home in our Heart, we take Him as our Person in an Adequate Way

We first take Christ as our person and then take Him as our life; when we received the Lord, He as a person came into us, and Christ desires to make His home in our hearts so that His person would become our person for the church as the one new man. To take […]
We Worship the Enthroned Christ but we Enjoy the Indwelling Christ as our Everything

In Colossians we see a high revelation of Christ as our life and our everything. In his completing ministry, Paul shows us an all-inclusive Christ as the reality of all the positive things, and especially in Colossians we see that this Christ is our life. Somehow, the Christ who fills all in all, the one […]
Christ is housing Himself in our heart and we become one with Christ in His inward parts
“God the Father is exercising His authority through God the Spirit to strengthen us into the inner man that God the Son may make His home deep down in our hearts” (quote from God’s New Testament Economy) – this is what happens in Eph. 3:16. Some believers may say only that Christ is in the […]