In order for us to know how to care for the saints according to God and how to pray for them, we need to be under the Lord’s shining through much and thorough prayer so that we can see what our situation and their situation is, even as the high priest had the Lord’s […]
Much and Thorough Prayer to be infused with God’s instruction to Care for the Church
The spirit of man is the lamp of Jehovah shining in us and enlightening our inward parts

The Spirit of man is the lamp of Jehovah, searching all the innermost parts of our inner being (Prov. 20:27); our spirit is God’s lamp within us, and God’s Spirit is in our spirit shining into all the parts of our inner being to enlighten and expose and enliven us. Amen! This is a great […]
Being Open Vessels to the Lord’s Shining within from our Spirit, the Lamp of Jehovah

Our experience and enjoyment of Christ is for the church, and as we know Christ, pursue Him, enjoy Him, and experience Him we become His corporate expression in the church life. Too many times, however, we don’t enjoy the Lord, we don’t open to Him, and we don’t experience Him, and therefore the church life […]
Walk in a Manner Worthy of God and Let Your Light Shine so that God may be Glorified

The believers in Christ have been called by God to enter into His kingdom and glory (1 Thes. 2:12). God actualized His choice and predestination by calling His believers in time through His appearing to them as the God of glory. We all can testify that we were living our life in the vanity of […]
When we receive the Word of God, Christ as life comes in and this life is the light shining within!
In the beginning of everything – in eternity past, before time existed – there was the Word: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God! (John 1:1) Christ Himself is the Word of God as the definition, explanation, and expression of God. The Word is God […]