The glorious Christ that the Apostle John saw in Revelation 1 is different from the Christ he walked with and was with while on earth. This One was “the Son of Man”, and He was clothed with a garment reaching to the feet, and girded about at the breasts with a golden girdle (Rev. 1:13). […]
Christ as the Son of Man is the High Priest Cherishing the Churches in His Humanity
The Lord Flocks us Together, Shepherds us, and Commissions us to Shepherd Others

The Lord Jesus Christ as the good Shepherd has formed the Jewish believers and the Gentile believers into one flock – the one church, the Body of Christ. God became a man and put on human nature, and He laid down His human life so that His sheep would receive and live by His divine […]
God’s Loving Visitation Shepherds us and Strengthens us to Walk in His Name

In Zechariah 10 and 11 we see how God in Christ comes to encourage us and shepherd us for the rebuilding of God’s temple. We are being encouraged to ask God for more rain, more blessings, even as He is happy with us. God is willing to bless us and shepherd us – let us […]
we need to see and cooperate with the pneumatic Christ’s shepherding as revealed in Psalm 23
Praise the Lord for Psalm 23 with the proper interpretation and the high view of Christ in His ascension as the organic Shepherd! I really enjoyed in the recent Crystallization Study of the Psalms(1), in message 6 entitled, The Organic Shepherding of the Pneumatic Christ, the fact that the pneumatic Christ is the Shepherd, He […]