This morning I was impressed with the fact that when we come to the Lord in our spirit, we need to enthrone Him and make Him the Lord in our life! Whenever we approach the throne of grace by turning to our spirit and calling on the name of the Lord, we should at the […]
come forward with boldness to the throne of grace and daily enthrone the Lord in your being!
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, O Lord Jesus!, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: Christ rules in us, come forward with boldness, come to the Lord personally, come to the throne of grace, enthrone Christ in your being, enthrone the Lord in our heart, He corrects and adjusts, make Him Lord, O Lord Jesus!, under God's throne, we become like Him
transferred out of the authority of darkness into the kingdom of the Son of His love

Many wonderful things happened to us when we believed in the Lord: we called on the name of the Lord, we received the divine life, our sins were washed away, we were redeemed, we were reconciled to God, we were regenerated/re-born, we had a new fresh start in our life, we were justified, we became […]
Filed Under: contacting God, God's economy, the Christian Life Tagged With: a proper freedom in love, believe in His name, Christ is our life, Christ rules in us, delivered from the devil, in love with life under light, out of darkness, out of the authority of darkness, the heavenly restriction, the kingdom of the Son of His love, transferred, under the heavenly rule