Christ came to replace the offerings with Himself as the real sacrifice and living offering, and He as the all-inclusive One is everything to God and to God’s people. It is quite impressive to see how Paul in Hebrews expounds on the book of Leviticus, without mentioning it per say, and how he shows us […]
Hebrews shows how the All-Inclusive Christ came to Replace the Offerings with Himself
We’re being Trained to Worship God through Christ as the Reality of the Offerings

In Leviticus chs. 1-10 God trained His people to worship and partake of Him through the offerings and the priesthood; Christ is the reality of the offerings with which we worship God. We love God, we enjoy His word, and we appreciate our fellowship with Him and with all the saints, but as we see […]
Seeing how Christ is the Food, the Clothing, and the Dwelling of the Priests

The Lord today desires to recover the priesthood for God’s building; when there’s a group of priests who live and function in a normal way, the Body of Christ is built up. We need to be restored to a normal situation, a proper situation according to the divine standard, from a condition of failure, degradation, […]
as the factor to enact God’s New Testament economy, Christ replaced all the sacrifices with Himself
Praise the Lord – everything of the old is gone, now everything is new! God is new, Christ is new, and we are the new creation! In His incarnation and His death Christ replaced everything of the old – including the old creation – with Himself, the new and living One! In Psalm 2, Psalm 8, Psalm 16, Psalm 22-24 we can see what kind of Christ we have in His incarnation – He came to carry out God’s will and His commission to terminate the old and bring in the new creation. We were included in the old creation terminated and germinated by Him! In Christ we are no longer old – we are a new creation