In our love relationship with the Lord we are the wife, the female, and He is the Husband, the male. In the Old Testament there are several women that can be considered as a type of the church due to their marriage to certain men who were types of Christ. Paul himself expounded on people […]
women in the Old Testament typifying the church as Christ’s counterpart
Filed Under: Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, His heart's desire, love the Lord, morning revival, O Lord Jesus!, the Christian Life, the high peak, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: Adam and Eve, chosen from the world, Christ and the church, Christ redeemed us back to God, crystallization study of minor prophets, holy word for morning revival, the church is Christ, the counterpart of Christ, the duplication of Christ, the same as God in life, the warring church
The high gospel of God’s full salvation, from redemption until the Body of Christ and the New Jerusalem!

Many people living on earth today have heard, in one form/way or another, the gospel being preached to them. And especially in the highly cultured / civilized countries, there are more and more people that do NOT really want to be a Christian, but would rather adhere to atheism. The gospel that is preached today […]
Filed Under: contacting God, Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, God became a man, God's economy, love the Lord, our birthright, the all-inclusive Christ, the Christian Life, the gospel, the high peak, the Word of God Tagged With: a low gospel, Christ as the gospel, Christ redeemed us back to God, Christ regenerated us, freshly saved, God became man, God is our inheritance, God wants to gain us, God's full salvation, God's organic salvation, speak the high gospel, the Body of Christ, the high gospel, the meaning of our human existence, the meaning of our human life, the New Jerusalem, the new man