As believers in Christ, we are serpentine people who are in the process of becoming the universal increase of the unlimited Christ by the immeasurable Spirit with the eternal life. Hallelujah, Christ came to die for us as the bronze serpent, and He also died as the Lamb of God, as a Man in the […]
The Unlimited Christ gains us as His Universal Increase by the Immeasurable Spirit
The serpent and the Bride: how we as Satan’s Increase are Becoming Christ’s Increase

In John 3 we see the serpent and the bride; though we were bitten by the serpent and are serpentine in nature, Christ came and was lifted up as our Substitute, bore God’s judgment for us, and we can believe in Him to become part of His increase, His bride. Wow, what a marvelous plan […]
The Strongest Sign of Maturity in Life is Blessing Others with the Christ We Enjoyed

At the end of his life, when he was 130 years old, Jacob went to Egypt together with all his family to be with Joseph; by this time he was a mature person, and he simply blessed everyone. The strongest sign of Jacob’s maturity in life was his blessing of others. When he met Pharaoh […]
Enjoying Grace to Grow in Grace through the Blood, the Word, the Spirit, and the Church

As believers in Christ, we were born again by the grace of God, and now we need to grow in grace by enjoying all that Christ is to us as our spiritual food and living water. We are like Isaac: he was born through grace and he was also grown up in grace (Gen. 21:8). […]