If Christ Remains Imprisoned Within us, We Cannot have the Proper Church Life

In order for us to have the proper church life as the corporate expression of Christ we need to have certain crucial experiences, the first of which is having our soul subdued and saturated with Christ. If we still live in and according to our soul, deciding things by ourselves as we always do, having […]

We need to Experience the Breaking of the Outer Man for the Release of God’s Life

Every believer in Christ needs to experience the breaking of the outer man for the release of the life of God in his spirit (Heb. 4:12). When we received the Lord Jesus into us, He as the Spirit came into our human spirit and now dwells in us; the Lord is with our spirit (2 […]

the mystery of the Body of Christ as the organism of the Triune God – revealed in Ephesians!

Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians is SO RICH! When you read it “with God’s economy glasses on” you will see vision after vision, revelation after revelation! We already have seen that God’s economy is fully accomplished by the exercise of our mingled spirit(as revealed in Ephesians), and we have also seen the dispensing of the […]