We believers in Christ are to live the same way that Christ lived, for we need to become a reproduction of Christ; this can take place only by experiencing Christ as the One living in us, being formed in us, and making His home in our hearts. Amen! Praise the Lord that we have been […]
Christ is Formed in us & is Making His Home in our Heart to make us His Reproduction
Christ builds the Church by Building Himself into us to Fill us unto the Fullness of God

Praise the Lord, Christ builds the church by building Himself into us to fill us unto the fullness of God! It is amazing to realize that Christ builds the church by building Himself into us, that is, by spreading from our spirit into our mind, emotion, and will until we are filled unto all […]
Allow the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ to Fill us and Replace our Culture with Himself

Instead of allowing our culture to replace Christ, we need to enjoy and experience the all-inclusive, extensive Christ and allow Him to replace our culture with Himself. Amen! The book of Colossians was written by Paul to both expose culture (which has replaced Christ in the enjoyment and experience of the believers at Colossae) and […]
Cooperating with the Inner Operating and Motivating God by Outwardly Serving Him

What is the service that is from God? What is the service that we can offer to God and is according to God’s desire, has God as its source, and is pleasing to God? The service that is from God takes God (and not ourselves) as the source, and it is by the Spirit of […]
Our Work must be to Minister God into others for Him to Build Himself into them

The Lord Jesus said, I will build My church (Matt. 16:18). How does the Lord build His church? First of all, the church is not that physical tall building with a cross on top of it; the church is the Body of Christ composed of all the believers in Christ, those redeemed by Christ, regenerated […]
Praying to Experience the Indwelling Christ for the Building up of the Church

Paul’s prayer in Eph. 3:16-21 is concerning the believers’ inner experience of the indwelling Christ for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. How can the believers build up the church? It is by experiencing the indwelling Christ making His home day by day into their heart as they are being […]
Allowing Christ to Make His Home in our Heart for the Building up of the Church

The church as the Body of Christ is the building of God, the only thing He is after today. The church is the mingling of God and man and the building of God into man and of man into God for man and God to be one to the uttermost so that God is expressed […]