Christ is Formed in us & is Making His Home in our Heart to make us His Reproduction

We believers in Christ are to live the same way that Christ lived, for we need to become a reproduction of Christ; this can take place only by experiencing Christ as the One living in us, being formed in us, and making His home in our hearts. Amen! Praise the Lord that we have been […]

The Parable of the Sower: Christ makes His Home in our Heart for God’s Building

The parable of the sower illustrates how Christ makes His home in our heart for God’s building. The Lord as the Sower came to sow Himself as the seed of life into our heart, and God strengthens us with Himself as the element while we afford the Lord the nutrients for Him to grow in […]

The Church Life is an Issue of our Experience of the Subjective Truths in the Bible

 Today the Lord desires to recover the subjective truths in the Holy Scriptures, and we as believers in Christ need to not only know the objective truths but even more, know, experience, and be absolute for the subjective truths so that we may experience Christ for the building up of the church. Amen! Both […]

Strengthened by the Father so that Christ may make His Home Deep down in our Heart

We need to be strengthened by the Father through His Spirit according to the riches of His glory into the inner man so that Christ may make His home deep down in our heart through faith. Paul’s prayer in Eph. 3:14-19 reveals that for the fulfilment of God’s eternal economy, we need the Father, according […]

Supply the Nutrients for Christ to Grow in us for the Building up of the Church

We need to supply the nutrients for Christ to grow in us for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. As believers in Christ, we are God’s cultivated land, a farm in God’s new creation to grow Christ so that precious materials may be produced for the building of God. Therefore, […]

Live in the New Creation as the Spirit works out the Out-Resurrection into our Being

 On one hand, we need to aspire to attain to the out-resurrection in our lifetime by living in resurrection today; on the other hand, the Spirit is dwelling in us to work the out-resurrection into our being in a real and practical way, and we can live in the new creation to attain to […]

When Christ makes His Home in our Heart, we take Him as our Person in an Adequate Way

 We first take Christ as our person and then take Him as our life; when we received the Lord, He as a person came into us, and Christ desires to make His home in our hearts so that His person would become our person for the church as the one new man. To take […]