As believers in Christ, we believe into a God of glory, we are called by His glory and into His glory, and we need to have His daily appearing as the God of glory! Amen! This week we come to the topic of Glory and Glorification as Revealed in the Gospel of John. We need […]
We’re Created in God’s Image and Called by His Glory to Express God in His Glory
Enjoy the Mingling of Divinity with Humanity as we Come forward to God in Christ

The spiritual interpretation and application of the Ark of the Testimony is deep and profound, for the acacia wood overlaid with God signifies the mingling of divinity with humanity which is strong in character and high in standard, and the lid of the ark signifies Christ as the meeting place of God and His […]
Based on the Blood of Christ, God Forgives and Forgets our Sins and we Fellowship with God

Praise the Lord, God is propitious to our unrighteousnesses and He forgives and forgets our sins according to the new covenant, based on the blood of Christ! And the more He forgives us, the more we love Him and fear Him, for He forgives and forgets our sins, erasing them from His memory! Praise the […]
God Meets us, Speaks to us, and Infuses us on the Propitiating Christ in the Glory

The fact that God met with His people and spoke to them from above the expiation cover and between the cherubim signifies that God meets with us and speaks to us in the propitiating Christ and in the glory expressed by Him as His testimony. This is very significant, for we cannot just meet God […]
Christ made Propitiation for us by Satisfying God’s Demands to make us One with God

The Lord Jesus made propitiation for us, satisfying the requirements of God’s righteousness, holiness, and glory, and He appeased God for us; now we can come forward to God and be one with God. In the Old Testament there was the type of expiation, in which there was the slaining of a goat and sprinkling […]
Christ Bore our Sins, put sin on Satan and sent it Away, and made Propitiation for sin

The expiation in the Old Testament is a type of the propitiation Christ accomplished in the New Testament – Christ made propitiation for sin. This refers to the Lord appeasing the situation between us and God by His death on the cross through the shedding of His blood. What we see in the Old Testament […]
The Sprinkling of the Blood of Christ Satisfies God and gives us Assurance and Peace

The sprinkling of the blood of Christ is for us to be redeemed, for God to be satisfied, and for us and God to have a peaceful fellowship based on the Lord’s blood. This is typified by the sprinkling of the blood of the sin offering, offered for the expiation of God’s people, in Lev. […]