The Lord Jesus said in Matt. 5:48 that we should be perfected even as our heavenly Father is perfect; we need to let this word expose our utter inability to be perfect and turn to our spirit to live by the divine life of our Father so that we may be perfect and fulfil […]
Walking in Spirit to Live by the Divine Life to be Perfect as our Heavenly Father
Our Environment Cooperates with the Spirit to have the Resurrected Christ Living in us
To live with the Divine Trinity is to have the resurrected Christ living in us; in our Christian life, we are under the killing of Christ’s death by the indwelling Spirit and through our outward environment so that we may experience the Spirit as the reality of the resurrected Christ. Amen! This week in […]
We Live in and with the Divine Trinity by Abiding in Christ and by Christ abiding in us
As believers in Christ, we need to live in and with the Divine Trinity. We need to see the practical experience of living in and with the Divine Trinity, and we need to practice abiding in the Lord as the vine; if we abide in Him, He abides in us, and whatever we ask […]
Being in the Triune God and having Christ Living in us to be Perfected into one
As we are sanctified through the truth, we move out of ourselves and into the Triune God, Christ lives in us, and we are perfected into one to be in the enlarged oneness of the Triune God. There is so much division both in the world and in Christianity today, and the main reason is […]
Let’s pray for the saints to proclaim the glad tidings concerning Christ as our life
Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would proclaim the glad tidings concerning Christ as the eternal life for our experience and enjoyment, the One who changes all our death into life for God’s expression in humanity (John 2:1-11; 10:10b). What is the glad tiding that God gave us? It is the bestowing of […]
We were Reborn Crucified and we are Dying to Live so that Christ may Live in us
We believers in Christ have been reborn crucified and we are dying to live; we were crucified with Christ and now it is no longer us who live but Christ who lives in us by the stripping of the natural man and the renewing of the new man. We need to have a proper view […]
Take Christ as our Person for the New Man by Letting Him make His Home in our Heart
We need to take Christ as our person for the new man by letting Him make His home in our heart through faith. The apostle Paul was a pattern of taking Christ as his person for the one new man, for he allowed Christ to make His home in his heart and Christ was formed […]