Christ is All and in All in the New Man: He is all the Members and in All the Members!

In the new man Christ is all and in all – Christ is all the members, and Christ is in all the members; Christ is every member and He is in every member in the church as the one new man. Hallelujah! How is it possible for people of different races, backgrounds, nationalities, and cultures […]

We are daily Learning to Live According to Christ and not According to our Culture

When we say that Christ is versus culture, we are not saying that we should drop our culture and live without any culture whatsoever; rather, we need to live according to Christ by enjoying the all-inclusive, extensive Christ and allowing Him to replace every part of our culture. Culture is necessary, for it preserves us […]

Living Christ Habitually by Letting Him Live in us and having One Living with Him

We all need to humble ourselves and realise that in our daily living there is not much living of Christ, for even though we have Christ in our spirit, we are not living Christ habitually in our daily life. We may love the Lord, read and pray over His word, meet with the saints, and […]

Living a Simple Life of Faith in God – Not I but Christ – for God’s Building in Life

The Bible clearly says that Christ died for us and bore God’s judgement for us, and by believing into Him we are saved, having the eternal redemption applied to us to be brought back to God and receive His divine life. However, as believers in Christ we need to realize that in our flesh we […]

Being Identified with Christ in His Death and Resurrection to Live the Church Life

Due to the fact that Abraham was short of faith in believing God concerning the promise of the land, God entered into a covenant with him to strengthen his faith. He instructed Abraham to get three cattle and two birds and slaughter / cut the cattle but leave the birds alive. Whenever someone offered something […]

The Secret of our Christian Life and the Treasure in our Earthen Vessel: Christ in us!

Being a Christian is not adhering to some religious doctrines and set of teachings, neither is it “joining a Christian church” and so now you’re a person who does his best to behave better. Being a Christian is a matter of having Christ dwelling in you. One becomes a Christian when he opens to the […]

Subjectively Knowing Christ as the Indwelling One, the Life-Giving Spirit

The central element of Paul’s ministry, the most important matter in our Christian life, and the most missed thing in Christianity today is the indwelling Christ, Christ living in us (Col. 1:27; Gal. 2:20). The Lord Jesus spoke about it before He went to the cross and the apostles emphasized it very much in the […]