As believers in Christ, we are in Christ and Christ has become wisdom to us from God, both righteousness and sanctification and redemption; Christ has become a transmission of wisdom from God to us in a continuous way. What is wisdom? Is being wise merely being aged and experienced in life? Wisdom is God Himself, […]
Enjoy the Transmission of Christ as Wisdom from God to us in our Daily Experience
Contact the Lord to be Filled with Christ as the Wisdom of God and be Children of Wisdom

Christ is the wisdom of God, and whatever He did was by the wisdom of God, and wisdom is only in Christ; for us to have wisdom, we need to exercise our whole being to contact Christ so that He may saturate our spirit and our mind with Himself as wisdom. People think they are […]
God’s Wisdom in a Mystery is our Destiny for our Glory: we Praise our only Wise God!

We need to see the difference between wisdom and knowledge and realize the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God, for God’s wisdom is in a mystery, and we as the church give glory to the wise God! Amen! Hallelujah for our wise God, the God who is wisdom to us in […]
Wisdom comes from God: we Receive Wisdom from God to Live a Godly Life by Contacting Him

The book of Proverbs stresses wisdom that we receive from God through contacting God; in certain portions, the wisdom of God is personified, referring to Christ as the wisdom of God. Wow! This week in our Crystallization-study of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes we come to the first great crystal in the book of Proverbs, which […]
Experience Christ as the One in whom All Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge are Hidden

All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ as the mystery of God; only God is wise, only He has the highest knowledge, and all knowledge and wisdom are in Christ. In particular, there’s so much wisdom and knowledge related to the history of God, the “stories” of God in Christ. Christ […]
In Matthew, Christ is the Lord of the harvest, the wisdom of God, and the One who gives us rest!
Course after course and dish after dish, this week we have been enjoying every day this wonderful Christ in the Gospel of Matthew. What an all-inclusive Christ! It is so good to forget about ourselves, forget about our problems and our situations, and just look away unto Jesus to enjoy Him, appreciate Him, and love […]