Hallelujah, Christ offered His body once for all so that we now can enjoy Him as our everything! God’s great will is, on one hand, for Him to have a Body for Christ as His enlargement and expression, and on the other, to have Christ as the replacement for all the sacrifices and offerings in […]
Christ Offered His body once for all so that we can Enjoy Him as our Everything!
Our Aaronic High Priest Removed Sin and our Kingly High Priest Ministers God into us

The book of Hebrews is on the priesthood in its three aspects: the Aaronic priesthood (Christ offered Himself to God as the unique sacrifice for our sins), the kingly priesthood (Christ as our kingly High Priest ministers God into us), and the divine priesthood (Christ is saving us to the uttermost). Christ is the High […]
we can come forward with boldness to God as the tree of life through the blood of Jesus Christ
Even though man fell and became corrupted to the core, God as life still found a way to bring man back to Himself. Through the redemption of Christ on the cross, God opened a new and living way for man to come back to God. Christ’s redemption satisfied all the requirements of God’s righteousness, holiness, and glory – now the way is open for man to come forward to God! We can now come forward with boldness to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace for timely help (Heb. 10:20). [continue reading online]
Christ put away sin once and for all and He imparted Himself as the divine life into us!
The two great things Christ did in God’s economy while being on earth were that He put away the sin (through His death on the cross) and He imparted His divine life into His believers (in His resurrection). Christ doesn’t just “wash us and cleanse us from our sins” – He dispenses His divine life into us, which life is a sin-dealing and sin-overcoming life!
God prepared a body for Christ to come to do God’s will to be God’s unique sacrifice on the cross
Christ was obedient to God even unto death, and that the death of the cross (Phil. 2:8). Christ did the will of God as prophesied in the Old Testament and as God Himself wanted – He became a man, lived a perfect human life, died an all-inclusive and all-terminating death on the cross, and He resurrected to be the life-giving Spirit. In His death especially Christ terminated the old testament economy of God and established God’s New Testament economy where Christ is everything: He is the sacrifices, He is the offerings, He is the unique way for us to contact and enjoy God!