In the resurrection of Christ, He produced an enlarged, divine-human, universal incorporation of the processed Triune God with the regenerated believers as the Father’s house, the Son’s vine, and the Spirit’s child, and we are all part of this divine-human incorporation! Hallelujah! It is really amazing to see that Christ did not just die for […]
Divine-Human Incorporation: the Father’s House, the Son’s Vine, and the Spirit’s Child
The Christian Life is a Life of Abiding in the Lord with no Insulation or Limitation

Christ is the true vine and we are the branches in the vine; our Christian life is a life of abiding in the Lord, for apart from Him we can’t do nothing, and when we abide in Him, He abides in us and He is everything to us. Amen! This week we come to a […]
The Human Life and the Divine Life can be Grafted Together: we’re One Spirit with God

As we prayerfully consider what it means for us to live a grafted life, we need to realize that in grafting two similar lives are joined and then grow together; our human life was made in the image of God and according to His likeness, so we can be joined to the ord and grow […]
Christ and the Believers form the Organism of the Triune God in the Divine Dispensing

As believers in Christ, we live in the Divine Trinity by abiding in Christ as the true vine; we are branches of Christ, the vine, and we need to abide in the vine so that we and Christ, the vine and the branches, would be the organism of the Triune God in the divine […]
The Father is the Source, Christ is the True Vine, we are the Branches, and the Spirit is the Reality

John 15 reveals four important matters: the Father as the husbandman (the farmer), the Son as the true vine, the Spirit of reality as the life sap flowing in the vine, and the Body of Christ as the many branches in the vine. John chapters 14-17 show us how we as believers in Christ […]